Friday, November 2, 2012

Abortion: An election platform or none of your business?

Okay, I have to be honest here. One of the main reasons I do not like watching or even hearing about politics is simply because there are too many noses were they don’t belong. What is a government’s purpose? I used to think, rather naively, that it was to keep a country running and financially healthy. Well, of course with our enormous national debt, it’s clear that is a complete misconception on my part.

What is seems like more and more and more is that this country's government believes it has rights….like the right to be protected even when they are violating the rights of others. Take abortion for example. Millions of Americans agree that the government should legislate what women can/cannot or should/should not do with their bodies. I find it interesting that there is not an overwhelming fight to finding a new way to educate people in our society, namely men to say…not rape women. Now granted not all abortion cases are a result of rape, but that really isn’t the point. The point is that it is the women’s body, not the property of the government.

It is certainly  interesting  that same folks that are spouting off about how fertilized eggs are souls, and it is our moral obligation to force the women…who are clearly not souls or people who have rights that need to be protected...but simply a vessel…to give birth… would pass legislation to say the same about sperm.

If we are going to bring God into the argument, as so many seem to (but not me) have a direct line to the guy, or girl, or entitiy..then why did God create the penis? Surely not to be tugged on every time the wind blows?  Sperm surely is for the sole purpose of creating the little miracles called children? Isn’t it equal to legislate how and when men should touch God's little baby maker or discard of God’s gift for life, their sperm?

No, of course not, right? Please government if you want to start somewhere in this moral struggle..why not actually accomplish something useful first. Like shutting down the child porn industry....why is there such a huge demand out there for it anyway? Isn't that worth looking into? Why again is the porn industry itself a multi-billion dollar industry? Why are strip clubs and triple X shops so common? Why does so much money need to be spent making sure guys can get and keep and erection? I mean, if God intended a women to get pregnant  and have a baby from rape...then surely the same God should be considered when a man can no longer get an stiffy? As in...sorry that's all big're done. Show's over. Move on and no medication for you.

The point here is it’s really none of mine, yours, or the governments business if, when, or how a women decides to have a child and yet it seems to be enough to win points in an election.

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